Snacks 30.06.2023

Jelly with gelatin

3 h. 25 min.
8 servings
Jelly with gelatin

Probably, the debate about the use of thickeners will never stop. Some believe that such additives spoil the taste of the dish, others prepare jelly only with gelatin. I think that everything should be tried, and only after that do some conclusions.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Prepare the turkey thigh and chicken, put it in a deep saucepan with water.

Add spices, parsley root and cook for 2.5 hours on low heat.

Add carrots, peeled onions and continue cooking for another 45 minutes.

Remove the vegetables and meat from the broth, put on a plate and cool slightly.

Gelatin mix with 150 ml of cold water and put aside for 10 minutes.

Discard the onion and parsley root, cut the carrots into small pieces.

Separate the meat from the bones, chop.

Arrange the meat and carrots in the prepared molds.

Strain the broth, add salt and boil for 2 minutes.

Turn off the heat, add the blank with gelatin and mix.

Pour the broth into the molds with the meat and put it in a cool place for 3-4 hours.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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