Snacks 16.11.2022

Egg Benedict with salmon and avocado

25 min.
2 servings
Egg Benedict with salmon and avocado
Natalia Hanin,

Something in between a snack, sandwich and main course, egg Benedict with salmon and avocado is perfect for breakfast. A minimum of ingredients, but a maximum of gustatory pleasure.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut the bread into portions and fry in a frying pan in butter.

Cut avocado and fish into strips.

Let's start with the hollandaise sauce. We put a saucepan or an iron bowl on a water bath, melt the oil. We begin to beat the yolk with a whisk, add oil in a thin stream and continue to beat. Add lemon juice, salt and spices to taste, whisk for another minute and put aside.

Boil the water, make a funnel and drive the eggs in there. Cook for a couple of minutes and take it out. Eggs should be liquid inside.

Forming a dish. Put the bread on a plate, put the fish, avocado and eggs on top. Season with salt and pepper. At the end, pour over the sauce and serve.

Julia Qion
Recipe added:
Julia Qion
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