Baking 13.07.2023

Banana cupcakes on kefir

40 min.
10 servings
Banana cupcakes on kefir

Don't throw away the darkened bananas! You can make delicious cupcakes from them. I suggest kneading the dough on kefir. It's easier and faster, and the result is no worse than the usual recipes. Add cinnamon, vanilla and zest to taste.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy foam.

Banana cupcakes on kefir: photo of recipe preparation, step 1

Melt butter in a water bath.

Banana cupcakes on kefir: photo of recipe preparation, step 2

Peel and puree the bananas with a blender.

Banana cupcakes on kefir: photo of recipe preparation, step 3

Mix warm kefir, melted butter, egg preparation and banana puree.

Banana cupcakes on kefir: photo of recipe preparation, step 4

Add flour mixed with baking powder and mix until smooth.

Banana cupcakes on kefir: photo of recipe preparation, step 5

Put the dough in the molds, leaving one third free, and bake for 20 minutes in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.

Banana cupcakes on kefir: photo of recipe preparation, step 6

Photo: Yulia Zubkova

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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