Salmon and potato pies – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

To prepare such pies, you can use any dough – yeast or puff pastry. It i ...

Sweet pancakes with lemon zest – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Fragrant pancakes with lemon zest are especially relevant in the winter ...

Sweet pizza – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Do your kids like sweets too? Then I recommend surprising them with a sw ...

Pancakes with sour milk – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

This recipe was used by my grandmother. She always fried a lot of pancak ...

Keto bread – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Sometimes on a keto diet you want bread so much to treat yourself to a c ...

Jam puffs – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

The easiest and fastest way to make a delicious dessert for the whole fa ...

Strawberry pie from ready–made puff pastry - a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

While the main course is being prepared, you can bake a strawberry pie v ...

Pizza with sausages and mushrooms is a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Having ready-made puff pastry and a few simple products at hand, you can ...


Few people are not familiar with the delicious French cookies "Madeleine ...

Tender rice flour pancakes – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Have you ever cooked rice flour pancakes? Tender and soft - they literal ...

Honey cookies with cinnamon - a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

There is not always a desire to go to the store for sweets, especially w ...

Pizza dough at home – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

If you think that making pizza dough at home is a difficult task, then y ...

Banana muffins – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Overripe bananas are perfect for this recipe. They will not be visible, ...

Adjarian khachapuri without yeast – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Adjarian khachapuri is usually prepared on yeast dough. But sometimes yo ...

Kefir buns – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

By all means try to cook sweet rolls on kefir. The dough turns out to be ...

Mini pizza in a frying pan – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step-by-step)

The Frying Pan is also convenient because it allows you to prepare small ...

Gingerbread – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Here comes the long-awaited Christmas. It's time to start decorating you ...

Khachapuri with cottage cheese and herbs in a frying pan – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Closed khachapuri with stuffing is convenient to cook. And all because t ...

Squash fritters on mayonnaise – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Sometimes I add mayonnaise to pancakes instead of sour cream. He copes w ...

Chocolate oatmeal cookies – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

If you like chocolate oatmeal cookies, then why not cook it yourself? It ...