Beans in cans for winter

1 h. 30 min.
5 cans of 300 ml
Beans in cans for winter
Andrey Starostin,

Of course, you can always buy canned beans in the store. And what if you cook it yourself? It will turn out delicious and quite profitable. In winter, add canned beans to soups and salads or use as a snack on a lean table.


  • Beans - 1 kg
  • Vegetable oil - 1 art.l.
  • Vinegar (9%) – 2 tbsp.l .
  • Sugar - 0,5 glasses
  • Salt - 3 art.l.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Pre-soak the beans in cold water overnight. If possible, it is advisable to change the water every 4 hours. After that, rinse the beans under running water.

Place the beans in a cooking pot, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Drain the water and fill the beans with clean water.

Bring the billet to a boil again (with new water!), add vegetable oil and sugar. Simmer the beans over low heat for 40 minutes.

Add salt to the workpiece 10 minutes before it is ready, and after another 5-7 minutes, add vinegar.

Pack the boiling beans in hot sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down, wrap and cool. Such a blank can be safely stored in a cool dark pantry for 2 years.

Ekaterina Parshina
Recipe added:
Ekaterina Parshina
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