Black nightshade jam with lemon and orange

1 h. 0 min.
4 servings
Black nightshade jam with lemon and orange

Tired of banal and similar blanks? In this case, I suggest cooking a couple of jars of extraordinary jam from black nightshade with lemon and orange. And be sure to make some in reserve to surprise your loved ones!


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Sort out the nightshade, add 100 ml of water and sugar, and bring everything to a boil.

Boil for 10 minutes and rub through a sieve.

Squeeze the juice from the orange and lemon, remove a little zest to taste and add everything to the workpiece.

Cook the jam for about 30-40 minutes on low heat and roll it into sterile jars.

Irina Kovaleva
Recipe added:
Irina Kovaleva
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