Cucumbers in tomato juice for winter

20 min.
8 servings
Cucumbers in tomato juice for winter

Cucumbers usually make up most of the vegetable preservation. They can be cooked in different ways. I suggest trying an unusual recipe for cucumbers in tomato juice. Vegetables can be cut or put in a jar entirely.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut cucumbers into large pieces.

Put spices and sliced cucumbers in jars.

Pour boiling water up to the top and cover with lids.

After 30 minutes, drain the water into the sink.

Mix tomato juice, sugar, salt, garlic passed through a press and boil for 2 minutes.

Pour the sauce into jars with cucumbers and sterilize for 10 minutes.

Carefully remove the jars from the sterilization bath, evenly distribute the vinegar and roll up.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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