Desserts 01.02.2022

Tiramisu with cream

25 min.
6 servings
Tiramisu with cream

Italy is famous for its calmness and regularity. Even the popular Italian tiramisu is prepared without too much fuss. It is enough to prepare a simple cream, smear cookies soaked in coffee, and wait until all this is soaked.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cream, mascarpone, powdered sugar mix and beat with a mixer.

Tiramisu with cream: photo of recipe preparation, step 1

Mix coffee with cognac and pour it into a wide bowl for convenience.

Tiramisu with cream: photo of recipe preparation, step 2

Smear the bottom of the mold with cream and sprinkle with cocoa.

Tiramisu with cream: photo of recipe preparation, step 3

Dip cookies in coffee and put in one layer.

Tiramisu with cream: photo of recipe preparation, step 4

Add the cream, cocoa and put the cookies soaked in coffee again. Repeat the steps until you run out of cookies and cream.

Tiramisu with cream: photo of recipe preparation, step 5

Sprinkle the finished dessert with cocoa and put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Tiramisu with cream: photo of recipe preparation, step 6

Photo: Yulia Zubkova

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added (a):
Olga Beznosyuk
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