So that the herring on the festive table does not look too boring, it needs to be presented somehow successfully. For example, in the form of such sandwiches. It is also a very convenient way of serving, because sandwiches are easy to eat neatly.
- Bread - 4 slices
- Cream cheese - 100 g
- Shallots - 2 pieces
- Herring - 120 g
- Spices and seasonings - 0.5 tsp.
- Greenery - 2 twigs
- Garlic - 2 cloves
Step-by-step cooking recipe
Mix cream cheese with chopped herbs and garlic.
Dry the bread in a frying pan and brush with cheese.
Put the onion sliced into rings and put the pieces of herring fillet on top.
Sprinkle the sandwiches with spices to taste.
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