Drinks 11.04.2023

Citrus raf

10 min.
1 serving
Citrus raf
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS, stock.adobe.com

Today I propose to prepare citrus raf - one of the variations of the classic raf coffee. It harmoniously combines coffee aroma, delicate creamy taste and unobtrusive citrus sourness. This drink will appeal to everyone who loves variety.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Brew espresso in the usual way, strain.

Warm up the cream.

Mix warm cream, espresso and orange juice.

Add sugar.

Whisk the mixture with a blender or cappuccino maker. Citrus raf is ready!

Pour the drink into a clear glass or your favorite cup, decorate with zest or a slice of orange if desired.

Ekaterina Parshina
Recipe added:
Ekaterina Parshina
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