Desserts 11.04.2023

Panna cotta from ryazhenka

40 min.
2 servings
Panna cotta from ryazhenka

I like to experiment with my favorite desserts, and one of my favorites is panna cotta. But this time I decided to make it special by using fermented baked milk instead of traditional cream or milk. The result? The most delicate dessert with a light sourness and a wonderful texture!


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Pour the jelly with milk and leave for a while according to the instructions.

Mix the fermented baked milk, honey and cinnamon. Whisk.

Heat the gelatin until dissolved and strain through a strainer into the fermented baked milk.

Beat the billet again until it bubbles.

Pour the panna cotta into the molds and send it to the refrigerator until it hardens.

Irina Kovaleva
Recipe added:
Irina Kovaleva
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