Pickled forest mushrooms for winter

30 min.
6 servings
Pickled forest mushrooms for winter
kostik2photo, stock.adobe.com

I can't boast of the status of a mushroom picker, but I still know how to cook mushrooms. To tell the truth, even beginners can do this recipe: no sterilization and multiple fillings! Some half an hour and a jar of pickled forest mushrooms is ready!


  • Champignons (forest) – 2 kg
  • Bay leaf - 4 pieces
  • Black Pepper - 10 peas
  • Vinegar - 150 ml
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Salt - 100 g
  • Water (filtered) – 1 l

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Thoroughly clean and rinse the forest mushrooms. Cut large specimens.

Pour cold water and boil for 10 minutes.

Put the mushrooms in a colander and leave to drain.

In a separate saucepan, mix water, sugar, salt and spices. Boil for 3 minutes.

Fill the prepared jars with wild mushrooms.

Pour vinegar, boiling marinade, roll up and wrap up for a day with a warm blanket.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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