Snacks 19.06.2023

Club Sandwich

25 min.
3 servings
Club Sandwich

A great snack for a hearty breakfast or snack. Club sandwich is prepared with a lot of filling. Traditionally, there are several types of meat products, a lot of vegetables and herbs. The finished sandwich is cut into two parts and fixed with a skewer.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut the chicken fillet into thick plates.

Pepper, salt and fry in butter until golden brown on both sides.

Brown the bread in a dry frying pan.

Chop tomatoes, cheese, ham and bacon.

Put the bacon in a preheated frying pan and lightly fry.

Mix mayonnaise and mustard.

Grease the bread with the resulting mixture.

Lay out the cheese and ham, cover with a second piece of bread.

Add lettuce, tomatoes and again a piece of bread.

Lay out the bacon, chicken breast and cover with bread.

Cut the club sandwich into two triangular pieces, lay on top of each other and pierce with a long skewer.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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