Thick blackcurrant jam with whole berries

25 min.
6 servings
Thick blackcurrant jam with whole berries
Maxim Slesarchuk,

Black currant contains a lot of valuable substances, so you should definitely stock up on it for the winter in large quantities. For a change, I offer a recipe for thick black currant jam with whole berries. Try it, you will definitely like it!


  • Black Currant - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 1,5 kg
  • Citric acid - 0,5 tsp.
  • Water - 250 ml

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Chop a third of the currants in a blender.

Add water, sugar and boil for 10 minutes.

Pour in the remaining berries, turn off the heat and leave for 2 hours.

Boil the jam for 2 minutes and put it aside again for 1.5-2 hours.

Put the pan on low heat for the third time, pour in citric acid and boil for 5 minutes.

Carefully put the jam in the prepared jars and roll it up.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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