Snacks 22.01.2022

Hot dog with milk sausage, arugula and pickles

10 min.
4 servings
Hot dog with milk sausage, arugula and pickles

What if we cook delicious hot dogs for dinner tonight? Of course, you can choose any option, but I strongly recommend trying this recipe! With milk sausage, fresh arugula and pickled cucumbers, hot dogs turn out just perfect!


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut the pickles into long plates.

Wash the arugula and shake off excess water.

Cut the bun lengthwise so that the opposite side remains intact.

Brush inside with a small amount of mustard, put arugula, sausage and pickles. Repeat the steps with the second bun.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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