Salads 04.06.2023

Georgian Salad &171;Tbilisi&187;

15 min.
4 servings
Georgian salad

Tbilisi salad is a business card of sunny Georgia. It is not difficult to guess that the dish has a piquant taste. Instead of ground pepper, you can use fresh red pepper in pods. In this case, it should be cut as finely as possible.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Chop beef, coriander and peeled bell pepper

Georgian salad

Dry the walnuts in a frying pan and chop them in a blender.

Georgian salad

Peel the onion, slice and sprinkle with wine vinegar.

Georgian salad

Mix beef, bell pepper, onion, cilantro, nuts and washed beans.

Georgian salad

Squeeze garlic through a press, add salt, pepper and hops-suneli.

Georgian salad

Season the salad with oil and mix.

Georgian salad

Photo: Yulia Zubkova

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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