Snacks 04.07.2023

Canapes with pear and cheese on skewers

6 min.
20 servings
Canapé with pear and cheese on skewers

For this snack, it is recommended to use salted cheese, and preferably several varieties at once, so that guests have the opportunity to choose. Canapes with pears and cheese on skewers are prepared very simply. The most important stage will be the cutting of ingredients.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut the pears into quarters, remove the seeds and stalks.

Cut into small pieces and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Peel the tangerine, disassemble it into slices, cut each in half.

Cut the cheese into small cubes.

Put grapes, pears and cheese on half of the skewers.

Put tangerine, pear and cheese on the other half of the skewers. The sequence can be changed at your discretion.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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