Honeysuckle compote for winter

30 min.
16 servings
Honeysuckle compote for winter
bbivirys, stock.adobe.com

In winter it is difficult to maintain the right amount of vitamins in the body. In addition to fresh vegetables and fruits, homemade preparations help a lot in this. Today I propose to cook a compote of honeysuckle. The proportions and cooking features are described in the recipe.


  • Honeysuckle - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 600 g
  • Citric acid - 0,5 tsp.
  • Water - 5 l

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Remove the honeysuckle from the garbage and rinse under running water.

Boil water in a deep saucepan. Add sugar and cook for 2 minutes.

Add honeysuckle berries, citric acid and cook for 10 minutes on low heat.

With a slotted spoon, catch the honeysuckle berries and arrange them in sterilized jars.

Pour the remaining syrup into jars.

Sterilize the compote for 5-7 minutes, roll it up and wrap it with a thick towel for a day.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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