Snacks 22.01.2022

Chicken and turkey jelly with olives

4 h. 10 min.
10 servings
Chicken and turkey jelly with olives
New Africa,

I'm a fan of olives and I love adding them to salads, soups or snacks. Today I will tell you my favorite recipe for jelly with chicken, turkey and olives. They complement the dish with an original taste, and on the table such a jelly looks many times more beautiful!


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut the chicken and turkey wings into large chunks and rinse under running water.

Soak pork ears for 20 minutes, scrape off the top layer with a knife and rinse thoroughly.

Put pork ears, turkey wings, chicken, spices, peeled carrots and onions in a deep saucepan. Pour in cold water and cook for 3 hours.

Add salt, chopped garlic and continue to cook for another 20 minutes.

Take out the meat, separate it from the bone, chop it and put it on deep plates.

Catch the vegetables. Discard the onion, and cut the carrots into thin circles and add them to the containers with meat.

Arrange the parsley leaves and olives. I usually add 4-5 pieces per 500 ml of jelly, and you can adjust the amount to your liking.

Strain the broth through cheesecloth, pour it into plates with meat and remove the jelly for 8 hours in a cold place.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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