Snacks 27.06.2023

Buffet canapes

20 min.
24 servings
Canapes for a buffet

Let me give you some tips on making canapes for a buffet. Snacks should be small, beautiful and delicious. Serve them divided into two or three batches, and during breaks offer drinks and fruits to guests.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut the bread into small squares.

Brush each piece of bread with a soft camembert.

Prepare the bell pepper, peel from the seeds and cut into small pieces.

Cut the pickled cucumbers into pieces according to the size of the olives.

Put olives, bell peppers, cucumbers and salami on a skewer.

Stick a skewer into a piece of bread and cheese.

Repeat the procedure with the remaining blanks. Place the canapes on a board or a nice plate and serve.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added (a):
Olga Beznosyuk
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