Snacks 25.07.2023

Stuffed eggs with mushrooms

25 min.
20 servings
Stuffed eggs with mushrooms

What not to stuff eggs with! All kinds of pates, cheese, sausage and vegetables are used. I liked stuffed eggs with mushrooms. For these purposes, you can use different types of wild mushrooms, champignons and, of course, oyster mushrooms.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Peel the eggs from the shell, rinse and cut in half.

Carefully spoon the yolk.

Chop the mushrooms and peeled onions.

Fry the onion in oil until golden brown.

Add the mushrooms and cook all together for 10 minutes.

Transfer the yolks and fried mushrooms to the blender bowl.

Add mayonnaise, salt, ground pepper and chop well.

Stuff the egg halves with the resulting mixture, place on a nice plate and serve.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added (a):
Olga Beznosyuk
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