Snacks 03.07.2023

Canapes on skewers with cheese and olives

5 min.
12 servings
Canapes on skewers with cheese and olives

Canapes are most often served as a snack. It's simple, beautiful and delicious. Housewives can show their imagination or use proven combinations. Such as, for example, canapes on skewers with cheese and olives. They are recommended to be served with white wine and champagne.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut the cheese into cubes according to the size of olives and grapes.

Put the prepared ingredients on the skewers in the following sequence: olive, cheese, grapes and cheese again.

Put the finished canapes on a plate and serve them on the table.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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