Snacks 08.02.2022

Homemade falafel

35 min.
4 servings
Homemade falafel

It is impossible to imagine Oriental, Arabic and Jewish cuisine without falafel. A huge wave of falafel popularity swept across Europe, when more and more people began to be interested in vegetarian dishes. I tell you how to cook it.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Fill the chickpeas with cold water overnight. In the morning, rinse and pass through a meat grinder. You can grind it in a blender.

Mince onion, garlic and cilantro. Add all the spices and baking powder, and mix the mass.

Form falafel balls and roll in crackers.

Deep fry the balls for about 3-4 minutes, and then put them on paper napkins.

Irina Kovaleva
Recipe added:
Irina Kovaleva
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