Snacks 11.12.2022

Avocado boats with shrimp

40 min.
6 servings
Avocado boats with shrimp
Kirill Smirnov,

I like to surprise my guests and every festive table is filled with new and interesting snacks. Among one of them are avocado boats with shrimp.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Prepare the avocado. Carefully remove the pulp, and leave the peel. We will put the stuffing there later and the boats will turn out.

I use ready-made shrimp. Take them out, defrost and peel them from the shells. You can also buy ready-made peeled shrimp.

Cut the tomato into small cubes, cut the avocado.

In a salad bowl, mix the avocado, tomato, and shrimp. Season it all with yogurt and mayonnaise. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Fill the boats with stuffing. Garnish with lemon slices on top and serve on a large platter or tray.

Julia Qion
Recipe added:
Julia Qion
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