Drinks 26.05.2023

Tea with viburnum

30 min.
4 servings
Tea with viburnum
Oleksii, stock.adobe.com

If frozen viburnum is accidentally found in the freezer, brew a very healthy and fragrant tea from it! This drink helps to maintain immunity in the season of colds and viral diseases, and also reduces blood pressure. Try it for sure!


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Wash some of the berries and place them in a large cup. With the help of a wooden pusher, suppress the viburnum so that the berries let the juice.

Add a little boiling water and mash the berries as much as possible. Cover the cup and let it brew for 10 minutes.

Place the resulting berry mass together with the juice in a teapot, add the remaining fresh berries.

Wash the lemon and orange well and cut into circles together with the skin. Place a couple of such circles in a teapot with berries.

Boil water and pour boiling water over the contents of the teapot. Close the kettle with a lid, wrap it up and leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes.

Pour hot fragrant viburnum tea with citrus into cups and enjoy! I recommend serving it with honey.

Ekaterina Parshina
Recipe added:
Ekaterina Parshina
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