Drinks 17.09.2022

Compote with currants, strawberries and apples

20 min.
4 servings
Compote with currants, strawberries and apples
Ekaterina Khnykina, stock.adobe.com

Such a simple and delicious compote will surely appeal to adults and children. Apples, strawberries, currants, sugar – and nothing superfluous. Optionally, you can add a couple of vanilla pods or cinnamon sticks, but it's better to get them at the end of cooking.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Wash all the ingredients, cut the apples into cubes and cut off the currant twigs.

Pour all together with water and bring to a boil.

Boil the compote for 7-10 minutes, add honey, stir and remove it from the heat.

Irina Kovaleva
Recipe added:
Irina Kovaleva
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