Drinks 26.05.2023

Bread kvass at home

48 h. 0 min.
1 jar 3 l
Bread kvass at home
davidchukalexey, stock.adobe.com

Do you want to diversify your drinking regime in the hot season? Then this recipe is for you. Let's cook good old bread kvass at home today. The recipe is simple, and the ingredients are available. Of course, you will have to tinker a little, but the result is worth it!


For Sourdough:
For kvass:
  • Water (warm) – 2,5 l
  • Bread (rye) – 3 slices
  • Sugar - 7 art.l.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut rye bread into slices and dry in a preheated oven until golden brown.

For the starter, place the breadcrumbs in a clean three-liter jar, add sugar.

Boil water and pour boiling water over the contents of the jar “on the shoulders". Leave to cool to about 30-35°C.

Dissolve yeast in ¼ cup of warm water and add to the jar. Cover the jar with sourdough with gauze and leave it in a warm place for a day. The ground, which is formed in a day at the bottom of the jar, is our bread starter.

Carefully drain the “first” kvass through the gauze - we won't need it. Remove the softened bread. Transfer the grounds that remain to a clean bowl with a spoon, rinse the jar well and return the starter culture back to a clean jar.

Pour sugar into a jar with sourdough and add breadcrumbs dried from 3 slices of bread. Fill the contents of the jar “on the shoulders" with warm water (30-35 ° C). Close the jar again with gauze and leave for a day. Determine the readiness of kvass by taste and smell.

Pour the finished bread kvass through cheesecloth into clean jars, close with nylon lids and send it to the refrigerator for storage.

From the remaining grounds (bread starter), you can prepare the next portion of kvass by repeating the cooking procedure with a new portion of ingredients.

Ekaterina Parshina
Recipe added:
Ekaterina Parshina
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