An important feature of pickled cucumbers in Bulgarian is the absence of any greenery. In addition, sugar should be used twice as much as salt. I allowed myself to adjust the proportions a little and it turned out very tasty!
- Cucumbers - 4 kg
- Garlic (average) – 1 head
- A mixture of peppers with peas - 1 tsp.
- Bay leaf - 4 pieces
- Vinegar - 160 ml
- Sugar - 200 g
- Salt - 120 g
- Water (cleaned) – 3,5 l
Step-by-step cooking recipe
Wash cucumbers thoroughly and soak for 3 hours in cold water.
Put garlic cloves and cucumbers in jars.
Pour boiling water and leave for 20 minutes.
Drain the water into a saucepan, add spices, sugar and salt.
Boil for 2 minutes, add vinegar and immediately remove from heat.
Pour the boiling marinade into jars, roll up and turn upside down.
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