Crispy salty squash for winter

30 min.
8 servings
Crispy salty squash for winter

No matter how many snacks there are on the table, salty squash always attracts attention. It's all about the unusual shape of vegetables. And if you cook them according to this recipe, it will also turn out very tasty! I advise you to use young patissons of small sizes.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Wash the patissons, cut large specimens.

Put the mixture of peppers, peeled garlic cloves and squash into the prepared jars.

Pour boiling water, cover with lids and leave for half an hour.

Drain the water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil again.

Pour sugar, citric acid and salt into jars with squash.

Pour boiling water, sterilize for 5 minutes and roll up.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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