Compote of apples and raspberries for winter

30 min.
1 serving
Compote of apples and raspberries for winter

In my family, compote of apples and raspberries is a favorite among such preparations. This incredibly fragrant drink is perfectly stored all winter, and the longer it stands, the richer and tastier it becomes. We use it both for a festive table and for every day.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Peel the apples from the core and cut into slices. Pick the raspberries and rinse them under running water.

Boil the water beforehand.

Put apples and raspberries on the bottom of the prepared jars, fill in the required amount of sugar. Fill the billet with boiling water to the top of the jar, cover with lids and leave for 10 minutes to infuse.

Then drain the liquid from the jars into a cooking pot, bring to a boil over medium heat, return the boiling liquid back to the jars with raspberries and apples. Roll up, turn upside down, wrap up with a blanket and leave to cool completely. Store the cooled raspberry compote with apples in a cool dark place.

Ekaterina Parshina
Recipe added:
Ekaterina Parshina
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