Blackcurrant pastille for winter

6 h. 0 min.
2 servings
Pastille of black currant for winter
Natalia Kushnir,

If you love marshmallows as much as I do, but have never thought about how to cook it – this recipe is for you. In fact, nothing is easier. The only caveat is that drying pastilles takes time. But there is a minimum of effort there. I share an excellent recipe from black currant.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Add water to the currant, simmer for 10 minutes and grind with a blender.

Rub the berry through a sieve, add sugar and boil the puree for another half hour on low heat, stirring.

Pour the pastille in a very thin layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

Dry it in a slightly opened oven at 60-80 degrees for about 5-7 hours.

Cut the pastille, roll it into rolls and store it in clean, dry jars.

Irina Kovaleva
Recipe added:
Irina Kovaleva
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