Snacks 28.06.2023

Oisi Rolls

25 min.
6 servings
Oisi rolls
Evgeny Vershinin,

I cook sushi sometimes, so I have a bamboo mat and a special knife. It turned out that Oisi also needed a marker for rolls. With the help of a gas burner, the finished rolls are fried from all sides and it cannot be done in any other way.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Mix boiled rice, vinegar and sugar.

Slice cucumbers, salmon and crab meat.

Spread the sushi mat on the table, lay out a layer of rice, place a sheet of nori on top.

Place cream cheese, cucumbers, tobiko caviar and crab meat on the wide edge of the strip.

Roll up a tight roll, helping yourself with a bamboo mat.

Cover the roll with salmon plates on top.

Use a gas burner to brown the roll from all sides.

Cut into small pieces, garnish each with mayonnaise on top and pour unagi sauce over it.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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