First courses 22.01.2022

Soup with minced pork meatballs

35 min.
6 servings
Minced pork meatball soup

If there is no time to cook meat for a long time, prepare soup with meatballs. A little more than half an hour and an appetizing dish is already on the table. Do not add eggs, semolina, potatoes or onions to the minced meat. As for me, the taste of the soup will only suffer from this.


For meatballs:
  • Minced pork - 250 g
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt - 0,5 tsp.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Chop celery, carrots and peeled potatoes.

Mix the minced pork, garlic passed through the press, salt and ground pepper. Knead for a long time and carefully: the mass should be as homogeneous as possible.

Spoon minced meat and shape meatballs of the same size with your hands.

Boil the broth, toss the meatballs, potatoes and cook for 10 minutes.

Add carrots, celery and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.

Add salt and turn off. Infuse the soup under the lid for 15 minutes.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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