Snacks 03.07.2023

Pink salmon tartare

15 min.
2 servings
Pink salmon tartare
New Africa,

Despite the fact that the traditional tartare is made from raw meat, today there are many different variations, including fish. One of the delicious and at the same time quite affordable recipes is pink salmon tartare, and that's what I'm going to share today.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Mix chopped green onions, chives, both types of oil, lime juice and spices.

Cut the pink salmon into fillets, cut into small cubes and season.

Cut the avocado into the same cube.

Put the avocado on plates with the help of a ring, and then the fish.

Pour the dressing over and garnish the tartare with sprouts and purple onions.

Irina Kovaleva
Recipe added:
Irina Kovaleva
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