Snacks 29.06.2023

Pork sandwich

7 min.
2 servings
Sandwich with boiled pork
Joshua Resnick,

It's time to have a snack, and there is no ready-made food in the refrigerator? Make a quick sandwich with boiled pork. This snack is excellent and satisfies hunger for a long time. And to simplify your task, buy meat and cheese already sliced in the store.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Slice the pork, cheese and tomatoes.

Cut the salad leaf into four pieces.

Grease the bread with mayonnaise. Put a quarter of a salad leaf on one piece.

Put tomatoes, boiled pork, cheese on top and again a piece of lettuce.

Cover the top with a second piece of bread. If the sandwich falls apart, pierce it with a long skewer.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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