Snacks 18.06.2023

Hot Rolls

35 min.
8 servings
Hot rolls
Evgeniya Sheydt,

You can prepare an appetizing snack in different ways: bake in the oven, fry the rolls whole or in pieces. All options are good, but today I offer you the one that I use most often myself. So you can cook hot rolls with different fillings.


For rolls:
For roasting:

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Peel the boiled shrimp from the shells and cut into small pieces.

Mix rice with vinegar and set aside for 15 minutes.

Put a thick layer of prepared rice on the sushi mat.

Place a nori leaf on top, brush with Philadelphia cheese and sprinkle with unagi sauce.

Lay out the chopped shrimp and bacon slices.

Roll the roll tightly, pressing your hands evenly over the entire surface.

Mix water, beaten eggs, ground pepper and salt.

Carefully roll the roll in flour, then dip it in batter and roll it out in breadcrumbs.

Place in a preheated frying pan with oil and fry until golden brown.

Place the hot roll on paper towels and then slice.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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