Snacks 06.07.2023

Croc-madame Sandwich

10 min.
2 servings

Why not start the day with a French Croc-madame sandwich. No, you don't have to go to a cafe, according to this recipe you can easily cook it yourself. To prevent the egg from spreading when frying, use a batch frying pan or a special mold.


For sandwiches:
For sauce:

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Melt the butter in a serving pan.

Carefully break the egg so as not to damage the yolk and fry.

As soon as the protein grabs, turn off the heat, sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Cut the cheese and ham into thin slices.

Grease the bread with mustard, lay out the cheese and ham.

Transfer to a covered baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.

Melt butter in a frying pan, add flour and fry until golden brown.

Add warm cream, nutmeg, salt and boil to the desired thickness, stirring frequently.

Take the sandwiches out of the oven, pour the sauce over them, put the fried egg on top.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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