Snacks 06.07.2023

Spring rolls with fish

15 min.
6 servings
Spring rolls with fish

Recently, photos of spring rolls have been flashing on the Internet more and more often. It turns out that this is an ordinary rice paper pancake with different fillings and it is prepared very simply. To prove this, I share a recipe for spring rolls with fish.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Chop the red cabbage into strips and place it in a bowl.

Add salt, ground pepper, oil and mix.

Chop the fish, cucumbers and lettuce leaves.

Remove the leaves from the mint sprigs.

Soak rice paper in warm water for 20 seconds.

Put on a board, place pieces of lettuce leaf, cucumbers, red cabbage and fish on top.

Add 2-3 mint leaves, turn the sides and bottom edge inside, roll up the spring roll. Repeat the steps with the remaining blanks.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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