Snacks 29.06.2023

Spring rolls with shrimp and vegetables

15 min.
2 servings
Spring rolls with shrimp and vegetables
New Africa,

Recently, Asian cuisine has become very popular. I suggest keeping up with fashion and cooking delicious spring rolls with shrimp and vegetables. Looking ahead, I will say that it is easier to work with rice paper than with nori.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Wash the shrimp with boiling water, peel off the shells and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Cut cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes into thin slices.

Place rice paper in cold water for 15 seconds.

Put rice paper on a board, place a lettuce leaf on top.

Place a row of shrimp in the center.

Add radishes, cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes.

Tuck the sides in and roll the spring roll.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added(a):
Olga Beznosyuk
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