Salads 22.01.2022

Salad of cheese, pickled mushrooms and prunes

15 min.
4 servings
Salad of cheese, pickled mushrooms and prunes

Arrange small holidays from time to time, just like that, for no reason. Cover the table beautifully, put flowers and cook something new. For example, you can try this recipe. It is not complicated and always turns out delicious.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Chop the pickled mushrooms and peeled onion.

Grate the hard cheese and peeled eggs.

Wash the prunes with boiling water and put them on a paper towel to dry.

Cut the prunes into small pieces.

Lay out the mushrooms, onions and eggs in layers. Season with salt, pepper and mayonnaise.

Next, lay out a layer of prunes, and then cheese.

The finished salad can be decorated with walnuts, prunes or flowers from boiled eggs.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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