Salads 22.01.2022

Salad &171;Special&187;

25 min.
6 servings
Anna Zhuravleva,

This salad always disappears from the table first. All the ingredients in it are so delicious and fragrant that it is simply impossible to resist. For this reason, I usually cook a double portion. Try it, most likely it will also become your favorite!


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Wash the chicken liver, peel off the films and dry it thoroughly.

Fry the liver in vegetable oil until tender. Season with salt and pepper before turning it off.

Chop the champignons, cucumbers, herbs and cherry tomatoes.

Mix chicken liver, Korean carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, cucumbers and herbs.

Add garlic passed through the press, season with salt and pepper.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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