Salads 22.01.2022

Greek salad with spinach and garlic

15 min.
4 servings
Greek salad with spinach and garlic

Prepare a Greek salad with miniature baby spinach, add a clove of garlic and your favorite dish will sparkle with new flavors. I recommend not cutting the feta, but putting it on the finished salad in a whole piece. Such a submission is considered correct.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Mix olive oil, lemon slice juice, oregano and garlic passed through a press.

Chop tomatoes, cucumbers, peeled onions and bell peppers.

Mix vegetables, olives and spinach.

Add salt, pepper, prepared dressing and mix.

Put the salad on a plate, add a whole piece of feta on top. If desired, you can also sprinkle oregano and sprinkle with olive oil.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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