First courses 22.01.2022

Uyghur lagman with beef

1 h. 30 min.
6 servings
Uyghur lagman with beef
Massel Marina,

The main feature of the Uighur lagman is the way of cooking noodles. The dough is pulled out by hand, greasing the hands with vegetable oil. The thinner and more beautiful the noodles are, the higher the culinary skill is appreciated.


For soup:
For Noodles:
  • Flour - 350 g
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces
  • Salt - 0,5 tsp.
  • Water (warm) – 100 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.l.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut the washed beef, prepared vegetables and herbs.

Fry beef in oil in a deep cauldron. Each piece should be browned on all sides.

Add onions, carrots and peppers. Continue cooking until the onion is golden brown.

Add bell pepper and tomato paste mixed with 100 ml of hot water. Simmer all together for 10 minutes.

Pour in hot water, cover and cook for 45 minutes.

Add salt, ground pepper, garlic passed through the press and turn off after 3 minutes.

In a separate bowl, mix the sifted flour, salt and eggs.

Add warm water in small portions and knead a tight dough. Cover with cling film and leave for half an hour.

Divide the dough into pieces, grease your hands with oil and gently pull out the thin noodles.

Boil the noodles until tender in salted water and discard in a colander.

Put noodles in a deep dish, add soup, sour cream and finely chopped greens.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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