Second courses 22.02.2022

Omelet with broccoli and cream in a slow cooker

20 min.
2 servings
Omelet with broccoli and cream in a slow cooker

Make a new habit — cook healthy breakfasts every day! This will not only help to develop discipline, but also have a beneficial effect on your well-being. Be sure to include this recipe in the list of mandatory dishes!


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Divide the broccoli into small inflorescences, cut off the rough parts.

Place the broccoli in a pot of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes.

Put the broccoli in a colander and cool.

Beat eggs lightly with milk, salt and nutmeg.

Add cream, broccoli and mix.

Turn on the slow cooker in the "Frying" mode, lubricate the bowl with butter and pour in the prepared mixture.

Fry for 4-5 minutes, then gently flip to the other side and cook for another 3 minutes.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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