First courses 22.01.2022

Turkey and dumpling soup

55 min.
8 servings
Turkey and dumplings soup
Africa Studio,

Don't know what to cook for lunch? Cook the soup with turkey and dumplings. Such a treat is eaten with great appetite by adults and children, and it is very easy to cook it. According to the recipe, a lot of vegetables are added, so the soup also turns out to be useful.


For soup:
For dumplings:

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut the turkey into medium-sized pieces, rinse and boil for 10 minutes.

Change the water, add black pepper and cook for 30 minutes over medium heat.

Chop celery, carrots, peeled potatoes and bell peppers.

Pour potatoes, celery, carrots and bell pepper into the pan. Boil for 5 minutes.

In a separate bowl, mix flour, egg, salt and ground black pepper.

Pour 150 ml of hot broth from the pan and knead the dough of medium density.

With a dessert spoon, form small balls of dough and throw them into the boiling soup. Cook everything together for 7 minutes.

Add salt, parsley, green peas and turn off after 3 minutes.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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