Second courses 25.02.2022

Pilaf with sausage and chicken in a slow cooker

1 h. 5 min.
4 servings
Pilaf with sausage and chicken in a slow cooker
Svetlana Monyakova,

To cook a delicious pilaf, it is not necessary to know all the subtleties of cooking. Use a slow cooker and my favorite recipe. There wasn't much chicken meat, so I added sausage. You can also use sausages or sausages.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Chop the sausage, chicken and peeled onion.

Grate carrots on a grater or finely chop.

Turn on the slow cooker on the "Frying" program, pour in the oil and warm it up.

Fry the chicken with sausage until golden brown.

Add spices and mix.

Add the onion and carrot and continue to fry for 4-5 minutes. Vegetables should be thoroughly browned.

Add the washed rice, hot water, salt and close the lid. Cook for 40 minutes on the "Pilaf" mode.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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