Jam-five minutes of red viburnum with stones

20 min.
6 servings
ansyvan, stock.adobe.com

Jam-five minutes of red viburnum is an ideal option when there is no time for cooking and twisting jam. It can be cooked directly with bones, it is stored in the refrigerator for a long time and is cooked very quickly. And how many vitamins are preserved in berries!


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Rinse the berries well, let the water drain. After that, rub the berries with a fork through a sieve so that they give off the juice well and mix with the cake.

Add sugar to the berries and mix well.

Put the jam in jars, close the lid and send it to the refrigerator. There is such jam well with tea, spread on bread or add to pastries.

Julia Qion
Recipe added:
Julia Qion
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