Walnut jam

24 h. 30 min.
2 0.5 l cans
Walnut jam
Fotoproff, stock.adobe.com

Did you know that you can cook an unusually delicious jam from... walnuts? If not, catch the recipe in a piggy bank. The process is not fast, but the result will amaze everyone! We will soak the nuts without soda and lime - in a convenient way in a city apartment.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Before starting cooking, be sure to wear gloves! So, with green walnuts harvested no later than June (that's when the nuts have the necessary internal immaturity and are considered dairy), thinly peel.

Using an awl or knitting needle, pierce the nuts in several places.

Place the prepared nuts in a deep enameled container and fill with cold water. Leave the nuts to soak for 5-6 days. Important! Change the water 3 times a day.

After the soaking procedure, rinse the nuts thoroughly, fill them with clean water, bring to a boil and boil over medium heat for 10 minutes. Then discard the nuts in a colander, rinse. Cool the nuts in a container with cold water.

Cook the syrup from 1.5 cups of water and sugar.

Put the cooled nuts in the boiling syrup and boil everything together for 10 minutes. Then remove the workpiece from the heat and leave to infuse for a day.

Put the cloves and cardamom in a gauze bag, tie it.

After a while, put the bowl with the workpiece back on the fire, add cinnamon. Send a bag of spices there as well. Boil the nut stock for 10 minutes after boiling. Remove the bowl from the heat and let the jam cool completely. Do not forget to take out the fragrant bag from the cooled jam!

Pack walnut jam in pre-sterilized jars and seal tightly. In winter, store such jam in a cool dark place.

Ekaterina Parshina
Recipe added:
Ekaterina Parshina
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