Mountain ash compote for winter

45 min.
1 serving
Rowan compote for winter
Roman Ivaschenko,

If you haven't tried winter preparations from mountain ash yet, or are just looking for new ideas – catch an excellent canned compote. It is not only delicious and original, but also very useful in the middle of winter, when vitamins are especially important.


  • Mountain Ash - 450 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Citric acid - 2 pinches
  • Water - 1-1.5 l

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Wash the rowan, put it in a jar, pour boiling water and leave for 20 minutes under the lid.

Drain this water and boil it again.

Add sugar and citric acid to the rowan and pour boiling water over it.

Sterilize the jar for 15 minutes in boiling water and roll it up.

Irina Kovaleva
Recipe added:
Irina Kovaleva
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