Pepper with zucchini for winter

40 min.
6 servings
Pepper with zucchini for winter

For this recipe, it is better to use young and juicy vegetables. Pepper with zucchini is prepared with the addition of tomato paste. If it is not available, use fresh tomatoes, tomato juice or sauce. Such an additive will give the snack the necessary sourness.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Chop the zucchini, peeled onion and bell pepper.

Fry the onion in oil for 5-7 minutes.

Add pepper, zucchini, tomato paste, salt and spices. Cover with a lid and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes.

Arrange the vegetables in jars and sterilize for 10 minutes.

Add a little vinegar to each jar and roll it up.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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